“For All of Your Moisture Tester Needs”
Steinlite provides high quality products, excellent service, and the knowledge to give our customers the upper hand
Serving the Ag-Industry since 1931
Providing our customers with the tools to succeed
Need a New Tester? Lab Mill for Sample Testing Or Just have questions?
Custom Commodity Calibrations from Grains to Nuts to Rice and BEYOND
We Solve Real Problems
what can we do for you?

Nut Calibrations
From Walnuts to Peanuts, Almonds and Pecans, Hazelnuts and Cashews We can test them all, and most can be tested IN SHELL!!

Seed Calibrations
Vegetable Seeds, Grass Seed, Coming Soon Tree Seeds and Hemp Seed

Grain Calibrations
Corn, Soybeans, Milo, Oats, etc.....

Need your Tester Checked over? Repaired? Need a motor Replaced on your Stein Mill? Our Service Techs are here to help and can do it all.

Custom Calibrations
If it can be processed through our Testers, has moisture it can be created. Currently working on Hemp Seed, Almond Hulls, Corn Salad, and updating Almond Calibrations for SL95!!!

Have questions? Need Answers? We have your covered!!
Timothy Powell
Creative Director
Lisa R. Boone
PPC Ninja
we love them
what our clients have to say
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contur ading elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Sophie LeonardCEO shark 
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contur ading elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Herman NortonStudio Director 
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contur ading elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Amanda ParksCYBERO 
Meet Some Of Our Clients
They Believe In Us
We have been working with some of these Companies for DECADES!!